Blood in Dog Urine: What it Means and What You Should Do
Though it is alarming, it is not unusual to see blood in your dog’s urine. Most people do not stare at their dog as they pee, but if you happen to notice pink or red discoloration of their urine it is most likely blood. But don’t panic, a trip to the vet should sort it out. More than likely it is a urinary tract infection.

Blood found in dog’s urine is medically referred to as “hematuria.” It can be found by an owner spotting a bit of discoloration as their dog squats in the grass or lifts their leg. It can also be found by a vet during a regular visit if urine is tested for check up or other purposes.
Causes of Blood in Dog Urine
Some common causes of blood in dog urine include:
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
As stated above, blood in dog urine is most likely caused by a urinary tract infection, or UTI. As we humans know these are pretty common. And horrible to experience. They can be painful, itchy, make it difficult to use the bathroom, and cause more serious problems if not taken care of.
We might not think of our canines as susceptible to UTIs but they are. Female dogs in particular are able to get urinary tract infections.
Problems with the Upper Tract
A urinary tract problem that includes blood could be affecting the upper or lower tract.
Blood that is coming from the upper tract indicates an issue with the kidneys, which of course are part of the upper urinary tract.
Blood in dog urine that comes from the kidneys, or upper tract, is likely due to one of these few problems:
- Idiopathic renal hematuria, where blood comes from the kidneys with no known cause such as medication or a weakened immune system.
- Renal telangiectasia is when there is spontaneous widening of blood vessels in the kidney, which can lead to blood in their urine (Corgis are genetically prone to this).
- Kidney infection in one or both kidneys
- Kidney stones, though these are not so common in dogs
- Kidney cancer, but we should never jump to this conclusion
Problems with the Lower Tract
On the other hand, a blood in dog urine problem from the lower urinary tract could be caused by:
- Bladder infection, or a UTI (this of course is the most common cause of blood in dog’s urine).
- The prostate (this would be an issue for male dogs who pee blood, which possibly indicates an issue with the prostate).
- Bladder stones could also be a culprit, due to nutrition, genetics, or persistent infection.
- Bladder cancer, but we should never jump to this conclusion.
Because both lower and upper tract problems involving blood could be as minor as a UTI and as serious as cancer, the best option to ensure your dog’s health and safety is a trip to the veterinarian.
Another cause of blood in a dog’s urine is trauma.
If a dog is hit by a car they could experience blood in their urine due to internal damages. Of course, if your dog is hit by a car they need to be seen by an emergency vet immediately.
A dog that has been in an accident or attacked might experience bloody urine during their recovery.
This brings us to poison. Too often our furry best friends fall victim to rodenticide, a common poison meant for rats and mice. Unfortunately these poisons are made to be tasty, and not just to rodents. Dogs and cats alike find them hard to resist, or ingest the rodenticide by eating a poisoned rat which results in second-hand poison.
What to Do If Your Dog has Bloody Urine
The first thing to do, naturally, is to call the veterinarian. It is impossible to say without professional medical knowledge and testing what could be causing blood in a dog’s urine. It is easy to guess that it could be a common urinary tract infection, but there is no way to say for sure unless a veterinarian is able to examine the dog and give a proper diagnosis.
Signs of a UTI in dogs include:
- Frequent urination
- Visible or audible pain during urination
- Dripping urine uncontrollably
- A struggle to urinate
- Licking of the genitals
Even if it is just a UTI, a dog with any infection will need medical attention. UTIs that are not professionally seen to can result in a bad infection of the kidneys, and worsen until it becomes life threatening. Dogs with any infection should be taken to a vet and more than likely given antibiotics to help the body fight the infection.
And of course it could be that what appears to be a UTI is in fact something much more serious. Not that a UTI isn’t serious, because it is. But a UTI is quite different than potential bladder cancer. If you see any signs of blood in your dog’s urine or any behavior indicating pain or difficulty with urination, take them to the vet’s office, or to an emergency vet if your dog needs immediate care.
They should be seen by a veterinarian within 24 hours of visible blood.
How to Prevent UTIs and Other Causes of Bloody Dog Urine
Some ways to help prevent blood in dog urine include:
Make Sure Your Dog is Getting Proper Nutrition
The best ways to help prevent urinary tract infection in your dog is to give them proper nutrition based on protein which will help to keep their pH balance acidic.
Make Sure Your Dog Has Plenty of Water
Give them plenty of fresh water, which will help to keep everything flowing smoothly. Have your dog on a pee schedule so that they can anticipate potty breaks. Holding in urine for long periods of time can aggravate the bladder and cause infection.
Keep Your Dog Properly Groomed
Also, ensure good genital hygiene such as close clipped fur, especially for female dogs with long fur around their genitals.
Keep a General Eye on Your Dog
There are some general tips and tricks to prevent bloody urine, but the most basic advice is to simply monitor your dog closely. You do not need to become obsessed with your dog’s urination habits, but keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or urine coloring.
When to See an Emergency Vet for Blood in Your Dog’s Urine
If you see anything out of the ordinary, it is best to call your veterinarian. However, if your dog has had a traumatic experience that caused this condition, or you believe that they need immediate medical care, it’s important that you take your dog to an emergency vet.
At Emergency Veterinary Care Centers, our team is available 24/7 so your pet can always receive the care they need. Our vets will get to the root of your dog’s condition and will work with you on developing the best treatment plan to help care for the blood in your dog’s urine. For more information, or if you want to bring in your pet, contact us at any time. We have convenient locations where your pet can receive the emergency care they need, day or night.
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At Emergency Veterinary Care Centers (EVCC), we know that pet emergencies are unpredictable and often stressful. That's why our team, with over 20 years of emergency and critical care experience, is ready to assist you and your pet in the toughest situations.