What are Common Poisons for Dogs in Westville, IN?
One of the biggest parts of having a pet is knowing how to keep them safe. Poison might not be the first thing on anyone’s mind, but it is the cause of over 150,000 medical emergencies in pets every year. Most of these emergencies are due to a pet having access, even accidentally, to common household cleaning products, medicine, plants, and human food.

Accidents happen, but they don’t have to. Knowledge of these common poisons for dogs is a great way to prevent harm for our pets. If you know your dog has ingested any of the items mentioned below, or anything else that can be considered poisons, you need to call Poison Control and take them to the emergency vet in Westville, IN immediately.
Top 6 Common Dog Poisons in Westville, IN
A great way to protect our dogs from ingesting poisonous substances is to prevent them from getting into them in the first place. The first step in preventing this is to know and understand what these poisonous substances are.
Six common poisons for dogs include, but are not limited to:
1. Antifreeze and Cleaners
Antifreeze is a common household product we use for our cars. It is critical to keep new and used antifreeze in safely sealed containers, as well as clean up any spills.
Surprisingly, many animals find antifreeze to be a treat. It is tasty to dogs and cats, even raccoons. Any animal in Westville that comes across a spill or a container of antifreeze will more than likely lap it up. If a cat or dog walks through antifreeze and then licks their paws to clean them, just that small amount could result in death.
Antifreeze is lethal, and will cause kidney failure that ends in death within a few days if not treated.
Common symptoms of antifreeze poisoning for dogs include lethargy, stumbling, vomiting, drinking a lot of water and urinating just as much. The animal might even have seizures.
After a day or two they might seem to be better, but this is a trick. In actuality, their kidneys have already begun to shut down. The amount of urination will decrease to almost none and depressive lethargy will set in.
Similarly, cleaning products such as bleach should never be left where an animal could get into it.
2. Chocolate and Other Human Foods
While chocolate may not be poisonous for humans, it is considered to be a common poison for dogs in Westville. It is not often fatal but can result in serious illness and damage. Chocolate contains a chemical similar to caffeine called theobromine, which dogs are not easily able to digest. It causes the dog’s body to freak out.
If a dog ingests too much chocolate, they might go from feeling a bit queasy to needing the emergency room. Many factors go into chocolate poisoning, such as the dog’s size, the amount of chocolate, and the type of chocolate your dog ate. The darker the chocolate and the higher the amount, the more likely a trip to the emergency vet in Westville will be necessary.
Other common poisonous or dangerous foods for dogs include:
- Garlic and onions
- Alcohol
- Grapes and raisins lead to kidney failure
- Macadamia nuts maybe should be warned against more than chocolate, as they are incredibly poisonous to dogs
- Anything with xylitol
3. Medication for Humans and Pets
The most common medications that dogs get into that are poisonous for them are antidepressants, pain relievers, and cold medicine. Tylenol, Advil, and other very common household medications don’t seem deadly, but a dog who somehow is able to ingest just a few tablets or slurp up a few tablespoons of NyQuil could end up in the emergency room.
The best option for medications of any kind is to lock them away in a cabinet. This way only adult humans are able to access them. It only takes a small dose for fatal consequences.
4. Indoor and Outdoor Plants
While it would be impossible to keep our pets out of our plants, it is possible to have only pet-safe plants in the house and garden.
Plants that are considered to be common poisons for dogs include:
- Lillies
- Aloe
- Oleander (this is highly poisonous for all creatures)
- Holly
- Azaleas
- Begonias
- Sago palms
- Daffodils
- Ivy
Some pet-friendly plants that are not harmful for dogs include:
- Ferns
- Rosemary
- Spider plants
- Ponytail palm
- Bluebird succulents
The ASPCA has a thorough list of toxic and non-toxic plants for dogs and cats.
5. Insecticide and Rodenticide
Just like antifreeze, a commonly poisonous substance may seem tasty to a dog. Rat poison is one of the most common poisons a dog in Westville ingests. As the poison is meant to attract rodents, it will also attract your pets.
Insecticides and rodenticides are bait designed to kill, and they do not discriminate. Not only that but a pet could be second-hand poisoned by eating a rodent that has already ingested the toxic bait.
Symptoms will depend on the type of poison, the amount consumed, and the size of the animal. If you use any chemical pesticides it is critical to keep track of them, and your pet’s behavior. And remember that there are non-toxic options for pest control. Cats and dogs are usually quite good for pest control on their own. Pesticides are largely unnecessary and cause many problems.
6. Fertilizer and Other Garden Products
It is surprising how much of our household items are considered to be common poisons for dogs in Westville. Slug bait, pesticides, fertilizer, moldy compost, and meal-based fertilizers can all cause serious health problems for our pets. Dogs have a habit of digging and sticking their nose into where it shouldn’t be, though they don’t know this. It is our job to make sure they are unable to dig, sniff, or eat anything toxic.
Prevention is always the best option when it comes to protecting your pet from consuming poisonous substances.
How to Prevent Dogs in Westville, IN from Eating These Common Poisons
Pets are no different than children in terms of “childproofing” the household. Both pets and children are curious, and will get into anything they can. Medication, chemicals, pesticides and non pet food should all be kept safely away. If you have to, a locked medicine cabinet may be necessary.
Even a locked cabinet for household cleaners, garden chemicals, and antifreeze may not be enough. You might be careful with toxins, but neighbors may not. Exercise caution if your pets go outside without supervision.
Go to An Emergency Vet Immediately if Your Dog in Westville, IN Consumes Any Common Poisons
It is our responsibility to keep our pets and children safe. If your pet shows signs of poisoning, call (800) 548-2423 for ASPCA poison control and an emergency vet in Westville immediately.
At North Central Veterinary Center, our emergency veterinarians are here 24 hours a day to help your dog when they’ve consumed any of the common poisons listed above, or any other additional potentially poisonous substances. If you know your dog has ingested something toxic, bring them in right away so we can give them the care they need as soon as possible. Time is of the essence for this type of emergency situation, and our emergency veterinary team will be with you every step of the way.
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At Emergency Veterinary Care Centers (EVCC), we know that pet emergencies are unpredictable and often stressful. That's why our team, with over 20 years of emergency and critical care experience, is ready to assist you and your pet in the toughest situations.